
ENVS 105 Sustainable Energy and the Environment Application of scientific concepts and analyses to the study of the production, conversion, and consumption of energy, and an understanding of the associated environmental and societal implications. Designed primarily for students not majoring in the physical sciences; especially appropriate for those in the environmental studies concentration.
ENVS 115 Environmental Science In this course you will (1) build a basic understanding of the physical and natural systems that make up the biosphere on Earth (land, water, atmosphere, and life) stressing the dynamics of these interconnected systems; (2) develop a scientific understanding of the causes and consequences of several of the major environmental problems facing today's society; (3) acquire the tools to enable you to think critically about other current and future environmental challenges you will face as a member of contemporary society. One weekend field trip is required. This course is required for the Environmental Studies concentration.
ENVS 232 Nature & Society: Intro Pol. Ecology This course will introduce students to the sub-discipline of political ecology, a field broadly concerned with the relationships between nature and social power. In other words, this course will focus on developing an understanding of how social relations and politico-economic systems produce environmental problems, structure access to natural resources, the resulting struggles over 'nature' and how and in whose interests these may or may not be resolved.Because the field is broad, the course has been structured into themes that we will explore each week. ANSO-103
ENVS 295 Environmental History of Colonial Latin America This course is a survey of Colonial Latin American Environmental History. It uses topography, weather, plants, animals, and viruses as units of analysis for exploring topics including indigenous civilizations, Iberian conquest, trans-Atlantic slavery, colonial reforms, and resistance movements. And it explores the changing relations between human beings and non-human nature in the Atlantic Basin in the early-modern era.
ENVS 295 Introduction to Climate Science With Lab What shapes Earth's climate, and how do we make sense of the changes we observe? This course offers a deep dive into the science of Earth's climate system. You will learn to build and work with mathematical models of the climate, analyze observations of Earth's climate system, and explore predictions made by climate models. Along the way, we'll examine how human-caused climate change affects both the environment and society. ENVS-115
ENVS 365 Humans and Non-Humans What does it mean to be human? What is the history of the notion of the human, and who or what has been excluded from it? What does it mean to study non-humans through a humanistic frame? How can we know non-human beings? What kinds of knowledges exist at the edges of the discourse on the human? This course will introduce students to these issues through a combination of readings that engage with the field known as new materialisms to consider the ways in which the study of humanity has been challenged by new modes of thinking about being, producing situated answers to these questions.
ENVS 395 Wildlife Ecology With Lab The Wildlife Ecology course will help students to gain a better understanding of the depth and breadth of the field of wildlife ecology with emphasis on understanding the ecology, dynamics, principles of conservation, and factors affecting wildlife resources. Through lectures and labs, students will learn about multiple approaches to studying wildlife, conservation, and also some techniques employed for ecological sampling and analysis. Students will learn basic concepts about population ecology, habitat use, selected animal diseases, and conservation of endangered species. They will also gain skills in GIS analysis They will also explore how global change is affecting wildlife population and distribution. Must have taken BIOL-224
ENVS 490 Environmental Studies Senior Seminar Examination and analysis of selected contemporary environmental and resource problems and issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. In addressing these issues, special attention is given to the application and integration of principles, theories, and analytical techniques introduced in the core courses. Topics covered in the seminar are likely to vary annually as new problems, policies, and solutions develop. Core courses plus senior standing, or permission.
ENVS 495 Finding a Home in the World: Lessons in Sustainability From the Ancient Mediterranean People have struggled with how to live sustainably and to mitigate environmental damage at least since humans began farming. Since that time, we have existed in a struggle with the world we occupy for resources to sustain us and to fulfill our desires, and yet there have always been those who have found a harmonious balance within it. This class will be an exploration of how to become part of that latter group, examining struggles, practices, and solutions from the ancient Mediterranean and from today, and working on a community-based project. This is a service-learning course.
ENVS 593 Senior Integrated Project Each program or department sets its own requirements for Senior Integrated Projects done in that department, including the range of acceptable projects, the required background of students doing projects, the format of the SIP, and the expected scope and depth of projects. See the Kalamazoo Curriculum -> Senior Integrated Project section of the Academic Catalog for more details. Permission of department and SIP supervisor required.
ENVS 600 Teaching Assistantship